The Holy Prophet Muhammad e’s Court
From the sunrise of every Thursday to the afternoon (asr) of every Friday, the Holy Prophet Muhammad e holds an assembly of all the Friends of Allah (Aulia – Allah). This does in no way mean that those who visit the Mazaars of saints on Thursdays until the afternoon (asr) of every Friday will not receive their attention. The essential beings (ruh) of all these saints, in fact of all humans are transcendental in nature, so attention (tawajjuh) is guaranteed for their attention is focused all the time at their respective Mazaars. In fact at this time the tawajjuh is greater for they asit in a highly spiritually charged assembly. In this weekly assembly of the Holy Prophet Muhammad e half of the time is .spent on issues concerning the Muslims and half on those of the rest of the world. It is so because the Holy Prophet e is mercy for the universe (Rahmat-ullil-Alamin) and not mercy for the Muslims only (Rahmat-ullil-Muslimeen). He pays due attention to all.
Nami Danum
Every being has an energy body and a physical-cum-energy body like the one they have in this world. This fact was amply demonstrated in the episode that created the famous poem of Hazrath Amir Khusro t, every couplet of which ends with the phrase ‘shab jaye kih mun budam’ (the Blessed Night where I was).
“In the times of Hazrath Mehboob-e-Ilahi Khwaja Nizamuddin Aulia t, there lived a saint enjoying good relations with Hazrath Amir Khusro t. They often met and exchanged views. One day the saint asked Hazrath Amir Khusro t, ‘in the court of the Holy Prophet Muhammad e, I saw almost all the Friends of Allah (Aulia – Allah) but I could not spot your shaikh (spiritual guide) there. Why is it so? A disciple like Hazrath Amir Khusro t, who would not hesitate to sacrifice his life for his Shaikh, could not accept such a remark about his shaikh. He went straight to Hazrath Mehboob-e-Ilahi and conveyed to him what his friend had told him. Hazrath Mehboob-e-Ilahi smiled and said, ‘tell your friend that next time you too will accompany him on that journey and try to locate me. You will find me there.’
Hazrath Amir Khusro t conveyed the message to his friend. Both of them sat in muraqaba (spiritual contemplation) with their eyes closed. Their spiritual ascent started and they reached the first heaven. There they saw an assembly of the Friends of Allah (Aulia – Allah) with the Holy Prophet Muhammad e sitting in the middle. They looked around and tried hard to find Hazrath Mehboob-e-Ilahi, but failed. Hazrath Amir Khusro asked one of the saints present there, ‘where is my shaikh?’ The saint asked a counter question, ‘who is your shaikh?’ Hazrath Amir Khusro t replied, ‘Hazrath Nizamuddin, Mehboob-e-Ilahi t’ The saint replied, ‘how can you find him here? ‘Look for him in the next heaven.
Hazrath Amir Khusro t and his friend ascended to the second heaven to find a similar assembly of saints there. The Holy Prophet e was present with them too. The majesty and sublimity of this assembly was greater than the one in the first heaven. Here too they looked for Mehboob-e-Ilahi t and here too they faded to find him. Hazrath Amir Khusro t asked the same question from one of the saints, who told him to go still higher to find him.
Hazrath Amir Khusro t and his friend ascended to the third heaven, where they found an even grander assembly with the Holy Prophet Muhammad e sitting in the middle. But Hazrath Mehboob-e-Ilahi t was not present there too. So they kept climbing the heavens one after the other till they reached the seventh heaven. There they saw the Holy Prophet Muhammad e with his companions and a few selected Friends of Allah (Aulia – Allah). The splendors and bounties of this assembly were much greater than those of the lower heavens. The Holy Prophet Muhammad e sat on a mat with his comprehensive beauty and radiance. They looked for Hazrath Mehboob-e-Ilahi t here too but could not locate him. They asked someone about him and he told them, ‘Just focus on the screen of light at the back of the Holy Prophet Muhammad e , you will be able to find him there.’ They concentrated at the curtain of light behind the Holy Prophet e. The excessive brilliance of the light concealed Hazrath Mehboob-e-Ilahi t initially, but slowly, his figure emerged just behind but to the left of the Holy Prophet Muhammad e. He wore a robe of brilliance and looked extremely majestic. To the right of the Holy Prophet e was Hazrath Abu Muhammad Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir Jilaani t. This was the Station of the Beloveds (Maqaam-e-Mahboob). Here was found Maboob-e-Khuda, Hazrath Muhammad Mustafa e, Mahboob-e-Subhaani Hazrath Abu Muhammad Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir Jilaani t and Mehboob-e-Ilahi, Hazrath Nizamuddin Aulia t. The decorum of that assembly would not permit any act of discourtesy, so they did not speak a word. Hazrath Amir Khusro t greeted Hazrath Mehboob-e-Ilahi t by signaling only, which he acknowledged and signaled back at them to leave. The two visitors descended while revisiting the assemblies on the lower heavens on their way back. Their spiritual journey terminated and they ended their muraqaba.
When Hazrath Amir Khusro t visited Mehboob-e-Ilahi, Hazrath Nizamuddin Aulia t the next time, he asked him to narrate the entire experience of their spiritual journey. Hazrath Amir Khusro t was a composer and singer of Sufi music and poetry. He sat down with the musical instrument and started narrating his experience in lyrics as under:
Namey danum chih manzil bud shab jai kih mun budam
I do not know the stations, the blessed night where I was,
Baher su raqsey bismil bud shab jai kih mun budam
All around me were half-slaughtered victims of love, tossing about in agony.
Raqeeban gosh ber awaz, ou der naaz-o-mun tersaan
My rivals were all ears, elated he, and craving I!
Sukhan guftan chih mushkil bud shab jai kih mun budam
How hard it was to say a word! The blessed night where I was!
Pari paiker nigara, surv qadday lalah rukhsaray
A fairy-like my beloved, he stood aloft with rosy cheeks,
Sarapa aaftay dil bud shab jai kih mun budam
Luminous was he embodied, the blessed night where I was!
Khuda Khud mir-e-majIis bud ander lamakan Khusro
God Himself chaired assemblage in the non-place, 0 Khusro!
Muhammad sham’ay mehfil bud shab jai kih mun budam
Muhammad e illuminated the assembly, the blessed night where I was!
Friends of Allah (Aulia – Allah) have the capability to be present at a number of places simultaneously and it is quite easy for them.